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"ProCompass” is a combination of Process and Compass.
It derives from the belief that to succeed, companies must have clear direction and
align all their
processes and activities accordingly.

ProCompass is dedicated to helping companies find that direction.

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W e l c o m e

Is your business falling short of targeted results? Are your people experiencing a lack of initiative and accountability? Has your organization lost focus and direction?

Let ProCompass help get you back
          on the course to business success.

ProCompass is an independent management development firm
dedicated to helping companies achieve business success by effectively aligning management and operations processes with corporate goals and objectives.

Recent studies by financial performance companies indicate that the majority of businesses fail to effectively implement their important corporate initiatives.  This implementation gap can be directly attributed to a misalignments of corporate goals with desired performance measurements.

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Through our customized performance management, performance improvement and leadership development programs, we work with you to identify and correct problem areas while charting the course for continuous improvement and corporate success.

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