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About ProCompass

About the Founder

How We Work


Business Model


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> How We Work


How we work with clients
Our working relationship comprises four steps:

  1) Company assessment

  2) Work agreement

  3) Proposal

  4) Implementation

Company Assessment
We begin by conducting a thorough analysis to determine your needs, as well as to understand your various business processes and organizational structure. During this phase we may recommend that you participate in a formal organizational profile survey.

Work Agreement
Based on our company assessment, we develop a preliminary proposal outlining the recommended process improvements and implementation strategies. If accepted, we may conduct more extensive interviews and surveys with employees and management.

After conducting all necessary interviews and surveys to determine the exact nature of the project, we will present a formal proposal with project details. This proposal will include at least the following:

A complete description of all processes to be used and the number of employees involved in each process.

A project schedule.

Requirements definition including
a) Expected results
b) Measurements and associated methodology
c) Client resources required

Full disclosure of all costs involved in the project
a) Note: no costs are incurred prior to the proposal, except:
i) Cost of conducting and processing any preliminary
  ii) Reasonable and customary travel expenses.

Project implementation may take a couple of days to several weeks depending on the nature of the processes and the number of people involved. Project sponsors are kept informed regarding progress and results. Following process implementation, we conduct post-implementation assessments to measure new process effectiveness.

ProCompass conducts follow-up visits with management and individuals over the course of several months to reinforce the process improvements and assist with any problems.
